Capturing Market Research Data Through Virtual Reality

Opening CLEAR[vr] Early Access Program



It’s with great excitement that we are opening our CLEAR[vr] Early Access Program!  You may be asking what is CLEAR[vr]?  CLEAR[vr] is our way of capturing marketing research data through the virtual reality system, Oculus Rift.  Ultimately, we set out to understand a basic question:

  1. Can CLEAR[vr] help companies develop new product innovation more efficiently and more effectively?

Early in our testing, the conclusion became crystal clear. Product designs and concepts can much more easily be rendered and displayed in a virtual reality environment given the fact that a client does not need to manufacture a single prototype. Because of that, VR may be a better choice for some clients than 3D printing.  Some of the early adopters on CLEAR[vr] have told us they can save thousands of dollars by simply not having to ship their large pieces of equipment to potential clients, therefore using VR a company can “teleport” customers into an almost exact replica of any environment. In fact, it’s even better than the real world in many ways, in virtual reality, users can zoom into machinery or equipment and see the small inner workings, they can visualize the product or equipment in their facility. In yet another CLEAR[vr] benefit,  products can be placed easily in shelves and retail settings that mimic real world shopping experiences to reproduce thousands of consumers before a single package or product is made.

The opportunities are simply limitless when it comes to product innovation and new product development in virtual reality.  Not only are we able to ask participants questions, but now we can monitor their behavior as well, and we can monitor it remotely.  Now in its 6th month of testing, Clear Seas Research is uncovering incredibly exciting insights from its virtual reality platform, and has leveraged the power of this new technology to uncover some of the newest and latest thinking around brand strategy and new product innovation.

For these reasons, we invite you to join us on this new technology platform that holds huge potential for b-to-b and consumer market research.  Market size and market share are important and critical numbers to know, they can help you understand the larger landscape potential in context of the size of the competing brands and products in any given space.  But using virtual reality to better understand your new product innovation opportunity, and gauge interest before going to market is far better than simply measuring market size – because new product development is greenfield work, YOU are creating the market, there is no market yet to measure.

CLEAR[vr] represents a truly game-changing opportunity for brand managers, product managers and marketing research managers to scale incredible technology for the benefit of unparalleled insight into the decision making drivers of customers and clients in a reality that far surpasses the current internet or mobile platforms today.

Contact us today to test your new product development innovation in virtual reality!

2 Comments on “Capturing Market Research Data Through Virtual Reality”

  1. Could you guys send me what can be done with VR in C2C context?
    Can we apply this technology to develop home appliances?
    Please let me know.
    I’m in charge of the simulation group for Refrigeration and
    I would like to know more about VR.
    Pablo ROdeiro

    1. Hi Pablo! Great top hear from you!

      Yes, as Oculus Rift becomes available to consumers worldwide the possibilities are truly endless for C2C interaction, both in new product development assessment research and in co-creation. In regards to refrigeration, we already have explored possibilities within the HVAC/r vertical amongst engineers who have used this technology to save on design, building and shipping costs associated with larger units. Some, in fact have even begun to use the technology to zoom inside units to show design that, historically, would only have been possible with deconstructing the unit. New product development will be easier, less capital intensive and more readily made global with VR. Needless to say, VR is still in pre-school, many of the possibilities haven’t even been yet imagined, let alone tested.

      Thank you for your comment and question Pablo!


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