Introducing the Clear Seas Research Blind Spots Blog!

Introducing the Blind Spots Blog!

Blind Spots!

Blind Spots!

The feedback we have gotten over the past several years has been truly overwhelming. What started as a simple service for specific clients looking for a better understanding of where their brand lies within its competitive set, and companies looking to innovate and develop new products, has blossomed into a full-service marketing research agency dedicated to helping companies across the globe make more informed decisions. We have taken companies that have never used more than simple salesperson feedback, to a place where they can make decisions based using the very best consultants in the world, their very own customers and prospects.

It has been an incredible journey from our first CLEAReport and custom study back in 2006, and it is even more encouraging to see how our reporting has increased in utility for our growing list of customers. This journey has led us into the decision making process of hundreds of leading brands, and has shed light on what makes the difference between companies that show breathtaking quarter-on-quarter growth, and those that tread water just to stay alive. And some of the myths that we feel we have successfully de-bunked over the years have helped us to shape how we sell marketing research to all kinds of different companies:

1. It is not the industry (or how “big” or “small” it is) you are in that decides if you are successful, it’s how you make your brand decisions, what products you choose to launch, and how you treat your customer’s experience that will decide.

2. Customers and prospects will give you incredibly useful and straight-forward feedback – as long as they feel secure that they are anonymous and their comments won’t be “on the record” in your CRM, or trackable on your survey tool.

3. Marketing research agencies with vertical experience and Subject Matter Experts will make your research incredibly more useful and impactful for your decision makers within your organization.

With these learnings (and many many others) we decided to re-name our blog the Blind Spots blog. We use this name because it represents how our customers work hard to eliminate these spots, and how they shed light on the areas of their business poor-performing companies choose to ignore (at their own peril). Blind Spots are often immune to traditional solutions, they arise from a complete lack of usable data, not from a plethora of data. In fact, our reports have gotten more concise, shorter and yet more impactful than ever – because they don’t regurgitate reams of data – they tell the story, in context, of your customer.

Join us, join the B-to-B marketing research revolution as we grow companies and industries that want to make more informed decisions based on feedback on insights and data that is un-compromised, “free of fear” of being trackable. Join companies that utilize agencies that can extend research efforts and teams, not replace them, with research experts that also understand your vertical. And look to best understand not just the people that purchase your products, but the people who chose (for whatever reason) to not choose you – those prospects can often provide the best advice in the world. Leading companies do just that, and your organization will strengthen across the board when you make the decision to start using a third-party research agency.

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